TracePCB Quality Policy

  • TracePCB is committed to the high standard of its services and products. Producing high quality products is our first priority.
  • TracePCB's goal is to provide design and manufacturing services that meet its clients' requests for quality and reliability. It will ensure the budget and scope while reducing the time to market competition. 
  • TracePCB keeps quality assurance by following its processes and services during all design and manufacturing procedures until the final product is delivered to the client.
  • TracePCB's direction must maintain and supervise the quality activities and environment quality, care about the resources needs, also choose the appropriate employees, distributors, and subcontractors. They are responsible for the quality of the services and final products. They also must prevent damage to the environment.
  • TracePCB's design and production processes will be under the law, according to international quality standards and environmental regulations.
  • Trace PCB aims to achieve client satisfaction and be competitive in the market. We instruct and teach the proper implementation of processes to all employees. Different procedures, including information and instructions between different stages, are guaranteed, and employees are trained accordingly.
  • TracePCB's management will be able to measure quality and environmental goals to guarantee a constant improvement of the processes. We want to prevent and reduce environmental pollution to minimum acceptable levels. It will be report so the product and environment quality objectives will be updated accordingly.
  • TracePCB sees the ISO standards as an essential tool and maintains a quality management system that complies with these standards. The company is committed to supplying all products according to the requested work order and delivery time. 
  • TracePCB management ensures that this policy is understood and known to all workers and is applied at all levels of the company.
  • This TracePCB quality policy will be distributed to the distributors, subcontractors, and employees.